What To Do If You Overpaid Your Credit Card

You’ll start accruing interest on the unpaid balance, and if you carry that monthly, you could find a few simple purchases costing you much more in the long run. To get the most from credit cards, use them like debit cards — that means not spending money you don’t have. If you carry a balance, costly interest charges could eat away at your finances. You can even pay your credit card what happens if you overpay your credit card bill weekly instead of monthly to make this easier to manage. Your credit limit is how much money you can borrow from your credit card issuer at any time, but that doesn’t mean you should get close to reaching it. If you don’t ask for a refund or use the balance to pay for future purchases, then after a lapse of six months, the card company is required to try and return your money to you.

  • Paying more amount than what is due on your credit card bill will not negatively affect your credit card score but would not improve it either.
  • Opinions expressed therein are solely those of the reviewer and have not been reviewed or approved by any advertiser.
  • It can be annoying to accidentally overpay a credit card bill, but it won’t affect your credit.
  • Some people think that overpaying credit card bills might improve their credit score but it is a sheer myth.

It is in the issuer’s interest to let you carry a balance so that it can collect interest charges, so you might find that issuers are willing to accommodate such a request. But you’ve probably never given much thought to what happens if you pay too much on your credit card. While it may be a less frequent problem than late or missed payments, overpayments certainly happen. Earn Chase Ultimate Rewards® on everyday purchases and redeem for travel, cash back and more. See all our rewards credit cards and choose one that’s right for you.

How to Handle a Fraud Alert

Include details on how you’d like the payment to be refunded, for example, via cash, check, or deposited into an account. Then, your card issuer will have seven days to send you a refund after receiving your request. What if you find that you have accidentally overpaid your credit card bill? If you have an excess, or negative, balance on your card, the federal law offers ways for your issuer to address the situation, including crediting you the amount of the overpayment. The best way to avoid overpaying on your credit card—as is the case for most financial pitfalls—is to pay close attention to what’s going on with your money.

what happens if you overpay your credit card bill

You log in to your online account, choose whether you’ll pay the minimum, the statement balance, or another amount, and you submit the payment. You can also use automatic payments to make this even more convenient for you. Credit card overpayments can disturb https://accounting-services.net/learn-about-fica-social-security-and-medicare/ your financials for a period of time. But you can keep a few things in mind before paying your credit card bills so that you do not end up overpaying. Track your credit card spending in your online credit card account or card issuer’s mobile app.

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What if you find that you have accidentally overpaid your card bill? That’s an easy mistake to make, particularly if you hit the wrong keys during an online payment. For example, a negative balance could potentially affect your credit utilization—a measure of how much of your available credit you’re using. Experts recommend using no more than 30% of your available credit. And if you have a negative balance, your credit utilization for that card would be less than 30%—which could be good for your credit scores. Debt consolidation can be a useful way to save you money and simplify your payments.

Her passion for teaching others about personal finance came from her own experience of learning to manage her money in a better way. Erin’s work has appeared in major financial publications, including Fox Business, Time, Credit Karma, and more. Bankrate has partnerships with issuers including, but not limited to, American Express, Bank of America, Capital One, Chase, Citi and Discover.